Hell in my Head


This deeply moving book chronicles the emotional and physical effects of military conflict on a Kentish family.

The family members whose lives are recounted include an aspiring footballer whose life gradually disintegrates and  a farm labourer who might have won a Victoria Cross if proper credit for his heroism had been given.  They also include a young woman who pulled an injured and dying crew from a fully laden and burning bomber.

‘Hell in my Head’ is especially relevant in today’s world, where heroism is not only still necessary in the armed forces, but also in daily life in the emergency services on our streets. The world needs an unforgettable reminder of the real price of conflict. ‘Hell in my Head’ tells the story of these brave individuals.





This deeply moving book chronicles the emotional and physical effects of military conflict on a Kentish family.

The family members whose lives are recounted include an aspiring footballer whose life gradually disintegrates and  a farm labourer who might have won a Victoria Cross if proper credit for his heroism had been given.  They also include a young woman who pulled an injured and dying crew from a fully laden and burning bomber.

‘Hell in my Head’ is especially relevant in today’s world, where heroism is not only still necessary in the armed forces, but also in daily life in the emergency services on our streets. The world needs an unforgettable reminder of the real price of conflict. ‘Hell in my Head’ tells the story of these brave individuals.

About the Author:

John Bennett was born in 1957, a retired engineer working for one of the major insurance companies. John also spent 27 years in the army reserve. He is active in his regimental association helping retired soldiers with mental health issues.