

When Michael Stanton goes to work one day and doesn’t come back, everyone – friends, family and the police – thinks his pregnant girlfriend Jill should accept he’s left her. After all, he’s done it before.
But Jill just won’t believe that Michael would walk away from her and their unborn child. Increasingly desperate and alone, she’s determined to find him.
Just where is Michael?
What Jill doesn’t know is that his beautiful ex, Anna, wants him back, and won’t take no for an answer. And it isn’t just him she wants…
In a maze of captivity, sexual tension and dark desire, Michael battles with his feelings. Does he really want his normal life back, or could there be a future with the woman who terrifies, controls and fascinates him?
Baby is a compelling, sexy, disturbing and unforgettable thriller.



When Michael Stanton goes to work one day and doesn’t come back, everyone – friends, family and the police – thinks his pregnant girlfriend Jill should accept he’s left her. After all, he’s done it before.
But Jill just won’t believe that Michael would walk away from her and their unborn child. Increasingly desperate and alone, she’s determined to find him.
Just where is Michael?
What Jill doesn’t know is that his beautiful ex, Anna, wants him back, and won’t take no for an answer. And it isn’t just him she wants…
In a maze of captivity, sexual tension and dark desire, Michael battles with his feelings. Does he really want his normal life back, or could there be a future with the woman who terrifies, controls and fascinates him?
Baby is a compelling, sexy, disturbing and unforgettable thriller.

About the Author

Marie Campbell was born in the north-east of England in 1972. Growing up, she spent many hours reading and writing stories, and can still recall the pride when, aged seven, her story was the one chosen to be backed with cardboard and put on display.

Fast-forward several years, via an abandoned teaching degree, many years as a Civil Servant, and a new baby, she embarked on a writing course, driven by lifelong passion for words. Baby started life on this course, and is Marie’s debut thriller, set in Edinburgh, where she lives with her partner and their son.