The Baby Auction


Auctioning babies makes sense, at least that’s what Market World thinks. After all the baby goes to someone who can give it a good start in life, and the baby’s parents get a return for their pain and trouble.
But for Ed and Matt, the Baby Auction sums up everything that’s wrong with a society based on profit. Then one day Matt rescues a drowning child and they face the question: can love and compassion overcome the harsh laws of Market World?



Auctioning babies makes sense, at least that’s what Market World thinks. After all the baby goes to someone who can give it a good start in life, and the baby’s parents get a return for their pain and trouble.
But for Ed and Matt, the Baby Auction sums up everything that’s wrong with a society based on profit. Then one day Matt rescues a drowning child and they face the question: can love and compassion overcome the harsh laws of Market World?

About the Author

My novels deal with how people live their lives and relate to each other in the modern globalised capitalist world. In ‘The Baby Auction’ Ed and Matt must find a way to lead a passionate, humane and generous life in a world run entirely on market principles, in which no-one can understand that caring for someone else might be a motive.
In my day job I write academic texts (for example ‘The Double Crisis of the Welfare State’). My work shows how globalised market capitalism generates inequalities between haves and have-nots and promotes a corrosive individualism that stunts our capacity for empathy, charity and love. People live for themselves and their families and vote for more privatisation and less redistribution and against the welfare state.
I enjoy hill-walking, riding my bike, holidays and looking after my grand-daughter (not in that order). I became interested in social policy issues after working on adventure playgrounds, teaching, claiming benefits and working in a social security office in Newcastle. I’ve worked in the UK, most European countries, Canada, the US, China, Korea and Japan, Australia and South Africa.